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Cayman Register Rules

Cayman Register Rules of Conduct
Last revised May 11th, 2015.

Welcome to the Porsche Club of America's Cayman Register. This web portal has been created to bring Cayman fans together, to enhance their Porsche ownership and PCA membership experience. The internet and web forum platform allows us to meet, discuss and spend time together no matter where we live. But this venue is not without its challenges. In an attempt to prevent those challenges from damaging the experience intended, we've put together some rules to help you understand what's expected of you, what's allowed and what's not.

PCA Code of Ethics & Conduct:

The PCA Cayman Register is a special interest group within the PCA. That means that we will adhere to the same Code of Ethics and Conduct that are applied to the club. The PCA Code of Ethics states:

This document is presented to define the standards and ethics to which the organization holds itself, its elected and appointed representatives, its employees, and its members. It supplements but does not replace our established Bylaws and procedures, which are documented elsewhere. The following represents the way we want to be and to do business.

PCA is not a political organization. It exists for the benefit of its members, to further their enjoyment of their cars. In the performance of this mandate, it must operate under the rule of law, adhering to the laws of the various countries and jurisdictions under which it exists. This means that illegal behavior is not tolerated, and that close attention is paid to the requirements of the law in the actions of all involved, national and regional officers, individual members, and those within the national office.

Beyond this, we accept the obligation to do what is right. An ethical system is based on the mutual benefit of the involved parties; the corollary of this is that we treat neither fellow members nor non-members in a way that is demeaning, embarrassing, derogatory, or otherwise inappropriate. Our natural competitiveness does not extend to taking unfair advantage of others, be they individuals, clubs, or businesses. Actions and words about which there may be some question are undertaken, when possible, only after careful thought and perhaps consultation.

Decisions affecting PCA should be either self-obvious or readily explained. Particular attention should be paid to potential conflicts of interest involving special treatment or gifts from individuals or companies possibly hoping to gain something in return. Other potential conflicts of interest, in which an officer, employee, or member must weigh his immediate and personal potential for gain against the best interests of PCA, require special thoughtful attention. Transparency in all actions is desirable. Nothing must be allowed to compromise the integrity, credibility, and best interests of PCA in the making of decisions that affect the club.

The culture of PCA is founded on doing the right thing to the best of our ability. Without this we lose our self-respect both as an organization and as individuals, a price that we will not pay. Non-adherence to these principles will not be tolerated; behavior or actions damaging to PCA will be dealt with by the established club Bylaws, and may result in permanent loss of membership.

Members of the Cayman Register are expected to subscribe to and act within the PCA Code of Ethics when participating at the Cayman Register or at any Cayman Register event.

Expected Forum Conduct:

Remember that web forums are just like public gatherings. Every member can read what you've written. The ability to speak or write in public comes with certain responsibilities. First and foremost we ask that you be respectful of your fellow members. We all have the right to our opinions, and those expressed may not support yours. Insulting or attacking a member in public because you don't agree, usually referred to as “Flaming”, will not be tolerated here. When posting, please use language that is neither demeaning, embarrassing, derogatory, or otherwise inappropriate. Discussion of sexual, political or religious topics is prohibited at the Cayman Register. These topics almost always invite strong opinions and disagreements. Please remember, this is a forum for automotive enthusiasts to discuss the Porsche Cayman.

Please respect all Copyright laws. Posting protected articles or copyrighted pictures can place you and this website in serious legal peril. It's OK to post a link to an existing article, or a small excerpt with a link, but please do not copy and paste copyrighted articles. If you have questions or want guidance about this, please contact our website management.

Don't feed the trolls:

In Web forums we sometimes see members sign up with the sole intention of causing trouble. These forum members are called “Trolls”. Trolls will often post inflammatory statements just because they like to see the trouble that follows. Trolling is prohibited. If you see a post that you think is troll-like, please resist the temptation to ‘feed the troll'. If our website management determines that you are trolling, your privileges at the Cayman Register will be temporarily or permanently suspended.

Your Identity:

Members may have one, and only one identity in this community. Signing up with alternate user names is not allowed. There is no good reason to have more than one identity here. If you're having trouble accessing your user credentials, please contact any of our website management and we'll be happy to help you gain access to your account.

If you chose to alter your user title, please be sure that your new title is accurate and not misleading. Intentionally misrepresenting yourself here may result in temporary or permanent expulsion from the Cayman Register.

Organization - Please Search Before Posting:

Well organized forums make it easy for members to find valuable information. Disorganized forums make it difficult. Before you post, please do a quick search to see if your topic has already been discussed. If it has, please add to that discussion thread. If it has not, please apply some thought as to the best location / Sub Forum for your topic. Once again, this makes it easy for other members to find valuable information.

From time to time you may accidentally post an already existing topic or pick the wrong place for your topic. Our management team may merge or move your thread. When this happens, we will leave a temporary redirect to the new location. Repeated disregard for this suggestion may result in a temporary suspension of your posting privileges.

If you do not find a forum for a subject you are thinking of posting about it is likely because we intentionally did not not provide one. You will notice that we do not have an “Off Topic” forum for example. The Cayman Register is intended to be a place where member discussions pertain to PCA, Caymans and Porsches.

No Soliciting:

This site is not a marketing venue. Our members come here to discuss their cars. It's understandable that many of those discussions may discuss a certain product or service. If you are going to give a testimonial on something, that testimonial should be based on firsthand experience and it must be objective and accurate. Promoting products or services in which you stand to benefit from in any way is considered solicitation and will not be allowed.

Some members of this community may represent companies that offer automotive products or services. But as members of this community they are expected to represent themselves as PCA members. If you have questions or comments on their products or services we would very much appreciate that you respect our ad-free environment and contact these members directly and not use the forums of the PCA Cayman Register to do so.

"For Sale", "For Trade", "Wanted" or "Want to Buy" ads or posts are not allowed in the forums at any time. If you have a car or parts for sale, please use the PCA Mart on to advertise your car or other items. The Mart has national reach - your ad will get much more visibility there, and posting ads is free for all PCA members. "For Sale" ads will be deleted immediately, and the original poster will be notified of its deletion.

Private Message (PM) and E-mail System:

The Private Messaging (PM) and E-mail System allows members to communicate with each other privately. Using the PM or E-mail system to solicit or harass other members is not permitted. The Cayman Register abides by the PCA Privacy Policy. Please follow the guidelines of this policy while using our communication tools.

Consider Yourself Deputized:

This is a community made up of volunteer automotive enthusiasts. Our website moderators are unpaid volunteers - volunteers who dedicate a lot of time to preserving the quality of the community. Though we try, we cannot read every post in real time. There will be times when members like yourself will come across posts that may require moderation before we find them. You can help the community by bringing these posts to our attention. To do this, simply click the 'Report Posts' button found in the upper right area of the post header (it looks like this ). Provide a brief description of why you believe we should review the post. All of our moderators will receive a notice calling the reported post to our attention. We welcome and encourage you to use this tool whenever you see a questionable post.

Management reserves the right:

We will enforce the PCA Code of Ethics and Cayman Register rules. Violation of this code or rules may result in temporary or permanent suspension of your posting privileges here. While we don't like to edit or delete any information posted here, we reserve the right to do so if we feel that posted information disrupts the community or damages the membership experience.


Information copyrighted or owned by any individual or entity other than the member should not be posted on the discussion forums or our libraries without the consent of the owner. If such an event occurs, the individual posting the information shall be held solely responsible. The Cayman Register Team and site shall not be held responsible for member-posted information that may violate copyright law. Material deemed to be copyrighted and posted without proper clearance will be removed by the moderation team.

All contents, graphics, look and feel, and trade dress of the Cayman Register Web Site are owned by the Porsche Club of America. All rights reserved. In addition, posts, graphics, and pictures posted and/or uploaded by individual members, are also the sole copyrighted property and opinions of the individual posters, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Porsche Club of America, it's directors, officers, and members, or the administrators and/or moderators of the Cayman Register Web Site.

Do not republish information found at the Cayman Register. Duplication of copyrighted materials published here without written permission from the original copyright holder may result in temporary or permanent expulsion from the Cayman Register.


PCA, the Cayman Register site and its management will not be responsible for for any direct, consequential, or other damages resulting from information or misinformation posted to The Cayman Register. Moderators do not check articles for accuracy, nor do they guarantee or warrant the information provided on the forum for any specific purpose or use. No warranties, expressed or implied, are made.

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